Hyper Sports R: KONAMI annuncia ufficialmente la cancellazione del titolo

KONAMI ha recentemente annunciato la cancellazione di HYPER SPORTS R, titolo inizialmente previsto per l’uscita su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo sportivo e simulativo non sarà più portato avanti nello sviluppo, KONAMI ha infatti rivelato la cancellazione del progetto per Nintendo Switch.

As of today, we have decided to discontinue development on Hyper Sports R for the Nintendo Switch.
The team had been continually working on the game since its initial reveal in June 2018. However, after much consideration, we have decided to cancel its development due to various circumstances.

We deeply apologize to all our valued customers who have been patiently anticipating the release of this game for this significant inconvenience.

We hope that you will continually enjoy our products and services.

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